Mental health became one of the leading health concerns that were given much attention in this present generation. For years, mental health wasn’t given much importance until the Millenial and Gen Z generations, especially during the pandemic.
Learn the signs that could indicate if you or your loved ones are struggling with their mental health issues.
1. Anxiety and Worries
Anxiety and worries occur from time to time. Yet it can be a sign of a mental health issue if they become constant and interfere all the time. Other symptoms of anxiety may include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, headache, sweating, trembling, feeling dizzy, restlessness, diarrhea, or a racing mind.
2. Depression
Depression is one of the most common signs you are having mental health issues. Signs of depression include being sad or irritable for the last few weeks or more, lacking motivation and energy, losing interest in a hobby, or being teary all the time.
3. Emotional Outbursts
Everyone has different moods that we would have for a certain period. However, if there are sudden and dramatic changes in mood, such as extreme distress or anger, can be a sign of mental health issues.
4. Sleep Problems
If you are having unusual changes in your sleeping patterns, like having insomnia, could be a sign of mental health issues. Sleeping too much or too little could indicate depression or a sleeping disorder.
5. Guilt and Worthlessness
If you are having thoughts that you are a failure in life, worthless, or at fault for some unfortunate situation, it can be a sign of mental health issues. Constant guilt and worthlessness could lead to suicidal thoughts that lead to suicide.
6. Weight Fluctuation
At times, fluctuating weight or rapid weight loss could be one of the warning signs of mental health issues, such as depression or an eating disorder.
7. Behavioral or Emotional Change
Subtle changes in your feelings, thinking, and behavior can be also a sign of a mental health issue. Ongoing and significant changes could be a sign that they have or are developing a mental health disorder.
If you are having these signs, you might as well set an appointment with your doctors to help you in coping with your mental health issues and also your other medical needs.
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